Behavioural Guidance
I believe in giving the children tools and guidance to develop self-confidence and respect for everyone.
Self-confidence is important in a child so they feel strong and in control. They will be able to problem solve, and feel good about themselves.
My definition of respect is being polite, courteous and kind to everyone. I will guide and teach children how to be respectful. If I observe a child being disrespectful, I will provide alternate ways of communicating and explain why it is important to be respectful.
I will ensure to discuss relevant issues to assist in creating solutions to problems. I will guide the children to think through and work together to figure out what is appropriate and socially acceptable behavior.
By creating a warm, caring and relaxing atmosphere with consistent and simple beliefs of what is appropriate and socially acceptable behaviour a positive environment is sustained. If I observe a situation that is escalating, I will use techniques such as reminding, diverting and redirecting, or if needed, asking the child to take a few minutes to become calm before coming back to the activity or group.
I will discuss with the parents if there are continual behavioural issues. I will work with the parents to create a plan that will take a positive, supportive and encouraging approach. If I do not see an improvement, over a reasonable amount of time, it may be in the best interest of the parents, myself and the child that the child withdraw from my care.
My behavioural guidance policy are based on our Licensing requirements. At our family daycare, we know that all families are different. Therefore, we welcome parents input and feedback on our policy.
Safe Release of Children
If the parent or caregiver of a child has plans for someone else to pick up their child, they must inform me of these alternative arrangements. If I have not met this person before, I will need from the parent(s), about this person, their name, address, phone number and a physical description. This unfamiliar person will be asked to show photo identification to verify the information provided by the parent(s).
At the time of registration, the family will provide names of people authorized to pick up their child. If someone comes to pick up the child who has not been authorized by the family, the child will remain under my care. I will explain to this unauthorized person the safe release of children policy. If problems arise, I will take measures to ensure the safety of the child, other children, and myself. If the problem escalates, the police will be called for assistance.
In the event, a parent or authorized person does not appear to be competent enough to transport or take care of their child, I will not release the child. I will immediately contact the parent, or emergency contact, to pick the child up. If no one has picked up the child by 7:00 pm, I will call the Ministry of Children and Family services to collect your child.
Late Pick up
If the parent or caregiver knows they will be late picking up their child, a courtesy call or text just letting me know they’re running behind is required. I have no issue with a late pick up, as long as I am notified ahead of time.
In the event that the child in my care has not been picked up by the pre-arranged pick up time, I will contact the parent or caregiver or the authorized alternate person(s) to find out when the child will be picked up. If I am unable to reach the parent or caregiver, or the authorized alternate person(s), and I have not been contacted by 30 minutes after the pre-arranged pick up time, or 6:00 pm (whichever comes first), I will notify the Emergency Services of the Ministry for Children and Families. There will be a charge of $10 for every half an hour after 6:00 pm.
Fees are due the 1st of every month. If payment is not received by the 1st of the month, a late fee of $10 will be charged. If the family has not made an attempt to pay their fees or have not met with me to make payment arrangements, all childcare services will be terminated until payment is received.
In the event of an NSF, I will speak with the family and make arrangements for payment. If I have not received payment in full within 5 business days of these arrangements, childcare services will be terminated.
Circumstances where payment is exempt:
Daycare will be closed on Statutory holidays (New Years Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, BC Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day)
If I take vacation time (adequate notice will be given to the parents or guardians)
Childcare fees are based on enrollment (a reserved space), not on attendance. To maintain a reserved space, fees must be paid during the absence of a child due to illness, holidays, vacation, or for any other reason.
Hours of Operation
I am open from 7:30 am until 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. I offer both full and part time care. Full time is considered from 28-45 hours per week. Part time is considered less than 27 hours per week. Add-ons or schedule changes may be accepted to our daily schedule only if there is a position open for that day, and they will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Please remember that schedule changes of this nature create some disruption to our normal schedule. I would appreciate as much notice as possible, so that I can plan for any changes in activities that may occur.
I maintain an open door policy for parents during daycare hours. This means that parents are always welcome to call or drop in to see their children. We would appreciate your taking into consideration our schedule when dropping in or calling, and remember that visitors usually cause children to react in an excited manner. If you call during the day, please be aware that we may be busy with the children and may not be able to answer the phone. If you would leave a message, we will call you back as soon as possible.
Health Policy
Your child’s health, well-being and safety are my priority, while your child or children are in my care.
I will
Have individual linens for each child who naps, and these linens will be washed weekly.
Wash my hands after being outside, before eating or helping children with their food, and after going to the washroom, helping children with their toileting, and after diapering.
Sanitize the changing station after each use.
Sanitize the toilet immediately if an area is soiled.
Sanitize the toys and equipment weekly. If a child has been sick, cleaning and sanitizing will be done on that day.
Follow diapering and toileting procedures.
Be respectful of the child’s needs.
Ensure children’s Hands will be washed after playing outside, before eating and after going to the bathroom. If we are outside or at the park, I will use hand sanitizer or Wet Ones as needed.
I will assist and encourage children to regularly wash their hands.
Diapering and Toileting
I will:
Ensure children follow our toileting schedule, and that I change diapers as per the diapering schedule. And encourage children to listen to their bodies, if they need to use the washroom before our next scheduled bathroom break that they let me know. If a diaper needs changing before the next scheduled diaper change, I will change it as needed.
Encourage and assist children to wash their hands and undress and dress themselves as they are able.
Be caring and supportive during the learning process.
Be respectful of the child’s needs.
Getting immunized is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. I recommend that all families have their child’s immunizations brought up-to-date prior to starting. However, parents know what is best for their child and immunizations are a choice. If a child is not immunized, as per regulations, I will need to be informed. If an outbreak occurs, the parent will be asked to remove the non-immunized child from the centre until it has been determined that the child’s health is no longer at risk.
As a mother myself, I know it can be stressful to have to call in sick from work to stay home or make alternative plans for a sick child. However, if a child has any of the following symptoms, it is best for the child to stay home and heal:
Fever over 38.3 C (101F)
Has a contagious infection
Infected eyes or skin
Has a communicable disease
Vomiting or has diarrhea, or loose stool
Is not well enough to participate in all program activities
Your child must be free of the above symptoms for twenty-four hours before returning to the day care.
If a child becomes ill while at day care, I will contact the parent or if the parent is unavailable the authorized alternative person will be called and asked to pick up the child. I will provide a quiet resting area, with supervision, until the parent or emergency contact picks up the child.
Administration of medications in daycares is regulated by the Child Care Regulations. This policy protects children, parents and myself. As parents we know what is best for our child, but not necessarily what is best for someone else’s child. As such, I will only make decisions on medication or over the counter medication for my children, but not the children in my care. I require a Medication Consent form be completed with instructions on administering the medication and how often. All medication will be stored in a safe place, out of reach of all children.
Sun screen
During the summer, there is risk of sun burn, and the best way to prevent sun burn is sun screen while outside. It is our policy that during summer, or in the event of a really hot spring or fall, that parents apply sun screen on their child before dropping them off to day care. In the child’s back pack, please include the sun screen so I may apply it to the child throughout the day.
Nutrition and Menu Planning
Parents or child care provider will supply all food, snacks and a water bottle. Please pack these in a lunch kit with an ice pack. We have a morning and afternoon snack time, as well as lunch. As each child is different, I encourage parents to pack foods that your child will eat, within reason. Foods that I will not allow: pop, gum, candy, chocolate bars, donuts, cupcakes or cakes (exception for cupcakes and cake is if enough is brought for everyone). These foods can cause jealousy amongst the children who do not have these delicious treats as their snack. I don’t want any child to feel excluded from these delicious treats.
I will refill water bottles when they are empty using water from a Brita filtration system.
If there is a child, in my care, who has a food allergy, parents will be informed, and that food will not be allowed in the facility.
Active Play Policy
Movement is important for growth and development. Children are bundles of energy and need an outlet. This will be encouraged with outside play time (weather permitting) or indoor physical movement through playing games. I will ensure that toddlers and preschoolers get a minimum of 180 minutes and children aged 5 and older get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical movement and active play a day.
Activities include, but not limited to (and can be done inside or outside):
Playing tag
Hokey Pokey, Duck Duck Goose, Simon Says etc.
Running or having races
Screen Time Policy
Its hard to deny that kids these days love tablets! The world is at their finger tips, and probably know how to use it better then parents do. However, at my daycare, there will not be a communal tablet. Please do not send a tablet with your child to daycare. It can cause jealously in the other children, and there’s no guarantee of the safety of it. With that said, You Tube is a plethora of educational videos. If there is any screen time at my day care it will be used for educating the children. My son has learned all about the planets, through educational You Tube videos, so I will not deny children in my care the opportunity to learn.
If any school aged children need the computer for doing homework, this will be allowed with supervision.
I will allow children to watch TV (if its appropriate for everyone) at the end of the day to cool down before their pick up time. As a treat, we will watch a movie occasionally; as long as it is appropriate for everyone.
On a daily basis, screen time will be limited to 30 minutes or less.
Park Policy
There will be times when I take the kids to the park. It is nice to have some variety, and children love parks! There is a park located a couple blocks away from the day care that is in walking distance. If I take the children there, I will have a “magic rope” for the young children to hold onto on the walk. The park is small and completely fenced in, so I am confident and comfortable watching multiple children at this park.
There will also be opportunities to play at the local school parks, after the school aged kids have been picked up. I am familiar with these parks, and they are set up in a way that I will be able to safely keep an eye on the children.
I will only take children to parks that I am familiar with.
Emergency Plan and Procedure
In the event of a fire:
Fire alarm sounds
I will call 911
In a calm voice, gather children to the closest emergency exit
I will check for asafe and clear exit route
I will make sure all children are accounted for, grab the emergency kit back pack (which will include a first aid kit, attendance record, a pen or a pencil and emergency information cards for each child)
We will gather at the designated spot for a head count, and wait for the fire department
In the event of an emergency, and the daycare needs to be evacuated:
I will take our Emergency Preparedness kit, which contains enough emergency supplies to take care of all the children in the daycare and myself for at least 72 hours to Walnut Grove Community Centre, 8889 Walnut Grove Drive, Langley BC V1M 2N7.
I will drive ourselves to the emergency meeting place if my vehicle is safe to drive. Otherwise I will illicit the help from neighboring volunteers. My first priority is to get the children and myself to safety as quickly as possible.
Parents will be notified as soon as we are at our emergency meeting place.
Reportable Incident Procedure
In the event of a reportable incident, the incident will be reported to the parent(s) of the child immediately, and to the Community Care Facilities Licensing Officer. Depending on the incident, I will contact 911, Ministry for Children and Family Development, the insurance agency and other external agencies if needed. I will report if a child in care is involved or may have been involved in a reportable incident while in care, within 24 hours of the incident occurring. A copy of the report will be kept on file for our records.
Suspected Child Abuse and/or Neglect
The Child, Family and Community Service act states “children are entitled to be protected from abuse, neglect and harm or threat of harm”. Section 13(1) of the Act lists “When protection is needed” . Under Section 14(1) it states “A person who has reason to believe that a child needs protection under section 13 must promptly report the matter to a director or a person designated by a director.” If a child confides in me, or alludes to abuse and/or neglect at home, it is my responsibility to take action. If I suspect abuse and/or neglect I will report this to my licensing officer, Ministry of Children and Families and the RCMP.